D5. Water infrastructure system modelling and optimization for a sustainable future

Red Cedar, Thursday

8:30Jiayu YaoWater distribution system design under long-term uncertainty considering solar energy as a supplementary energy source
8:45Qi ZhaoHow to size behind-the-meter solar PV systems for water distribution networks?
9:00Hassan AbbasTransforming Indus Basin Irrigation: Intelligent Systems at Work
9:15Cael KeenanHow do we consider cyber-security as an objective in the sustainable management of water infrastructure?
9:30Jiajia  HuangA multi-objective optimization-based framework for maximizing water infrastructure system service life under deep uncertainty
9:45Yuan CaoChallenges of using robustness metrics for water resources system management under uncertainty
10:30Samarth SinghExploring the benefits of integrated energy-water management in reducing economic and ecological tradeoffs
10:45Allen BrookesAdapting a Watershed Model to Urban Watersheds
11:00Renhua Yan YanTurbidity source apportionment of the urban lakeside river network
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