WS A1. Tools, communications, and planning: Accounting for mental models, attitudes, social and institutional governance, and context for participatory modelling

Centennial, Thursday, 08:30

Questions that will be raised and discussed, preferably in groups of 5-7 persons, with the aim of improving Participatory Modelling (PM) in practice include:

  1. How does social, behavioural, cultural and institutional context affect the practice of PM and its decision outcomes?
  2. What frameworks can be used to understand, and more explicitly recognize, communicate, record, and account for this context , including the mental models that relate to it, and their impact on decision-making?
  3. What practical approaches, tools and methods are currently available to effectively improve PM (and its decisions, management, policy and planning outcomes) through a better understanding and accounting of behavioural, cultural, institutional and social contexts (and resulting mental models)?
  4. What are promising new methods, tools and approaches, including those making use of artificial intelligence, that can aid and improve PM and its outcomes?
  5. What tools are available for improved communication and recording of PM processes and stakeholder/community engagement?
  6. How can progress in PM practice and outcomes be effectively tracked?
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