WS C2. United States Environmental Protection Agency’s New Matrix Factorization Tool for Source Apportionment with Uncertainty

Lincoln, Wednesday, 15:30

US EPA’s PMF5 (Positive Matrix Factorization v. 5) tool is being upgraded and replaced by a new open-source application, which includes detailed workflows and graphical analysis notebooks, and in the future will include a self-contained desktop application. Used worldwide, PMF5 provides scientific support for developing and implementing environmental standards and forensics. By using a range of environmental data, this tool determines how much each source contributed to observed exposure concentrations. The new tool provides a matrix factorization workflow that includes two different algorithms for calculating source apportionment solutions where there is input data uncertainty. The tool intends to replicate the functionality and graphical components of PMF5 but with enhanced and modern algorithms and techniques. The workshop would guide user’s through the details of the code through Jupyter notebooks, such as running pre-processing, model training, and post-processing steps, describe the details of the algorithms, and provide the users with the skills to run this tool on their own data.

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